viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

English language challenges

Hello today I`m going to talk about the English language…

The English is for me a second language necessary to know because we can communicate with people that not speak in Spanish if we travel someday, you can to read books or page web in English, investigation, instruction, wherever. 

I remember that I learned my first English word in the primary school I was six and it was very very difficult for me because my teacher was pain, very loud voice and irritable. My parents didn’t know the language and they could not help me. 

I study in the house of my next-door neighbor and she could help me a lot! 

When I studied tourism in the Secundary School the English was essential because I needed to speak with tourist from U.S.A, England, Canada, Brazil, etc. In the Museum called “Casa Colorada of Santiago”, where I did my practice as touristic guide. 

In that opportunity I had to do visit in the museum but speaking in English. It was shameful but I learned a lot of the language and someone tourists gave me a tip. 

I think that the blogs are important because it enable to write about “x” topics and we can to practice the written expression and the creativity. 

In the secondary school the English subject liked me so much but in the university the pleasure for the language death because a bad, discriminatory and pain teacher.   

Outside of the English class I don`t use the language so much. Only I use it for to watch movies in English (if I don`t achieve to read the subtitles), for to read instructions, for to read web pages, for to understand songs and video games, etc. 

In the actuality I don`t like so much that language but is very important of know it.

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