I like to write in a blog but something the topics was very boring and it was more difficult for me because I couldn`t think of anything! For example when I wrote about an important character of my career. It was very boring!! The topics I more liked to write were my favorite music, favorite books and a picture special for me.
I think the blog help me for improve my English because meantime I wrote I can remember the logic structure needed for write in English. Although it wasn`t perfect! I need to learn more about the logic structure for to write in English correctly. I would like to know how to used conditional verbs like “must”, “would”, “Could”, etc. And I can to increase my vocabulary when I used the dictionary online “word reference”.
The bad of the blog is I haven`t a feedback of my weakness or fortitude and my progress… if I had progress… always I read the comments of my classmate and the teacher but isn`t enough say “Let's talk next class about some mistakes…” because I don`t really know my mistakes.
A good thing was I can know the personal likes and dislikes and few things about the personal stories of my classmates. Something it was very interesting and funny.
Panxisk_Elf_Fire... Belly Dancer...