“La Sombra del Viento” is an excellent historical novel to has intrigue, thriller, comedy and a tragic story of love. The novel intertwining the plot and something mysteries in an exciting story about the secret of the heart and the magic of the books.

The story of love starts when Daniel knows a woman ten years older than him when he is investigating about Julian Carax in the house of a collector of books.
While I read the book I can know the life of Barcelona in the period of the Industrial revolution until the years after of the Civil war of Spain.
Now the novel is a best seller translation to 36 different languages.
I can read the book because I registered in the library “bibliometro” and I had to waiting for the book one month! But the wait was worth it.
I love the novel! Now I waiting for the winter vacation for read other books wrote by Carlos Ruiz Zafon for example:
- El Juego del Angel.
- El principe de la Niebla.