viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

What green I`m?

Hi, today I going to talk about how green ecological it`s me. 

Is dificult for me to talk about this topic because I`m not consider oneself a person very green ecological, but I`m agree with the green ecological politicals, overcoat with the politicals related with the protection of the animals. 

I help to the environment when I`m to teach in class to my students I try to teach them about the protect the environment an the respect and love for the animals. 

In my last initial practice I development a “classroom`s plan” (proyecto de aula) in which I included the topic: the paper as reusable resource. So I teached anything about the paper, we maked a paper sampler with diferents recycling paper and the children could know the raw material of the paper. 

In other class each child maked a model of a city. But the condition was to use only recycling materials like paper, cardboard, diferents kind and sizes of boxs, containers of yoghurt, caps, etc. This activity was very very funny for the childrens and me. They was very busy to make them models and finally they puted a name to them citys. 

In other grade I teached to the children who to plant something seeds like beans, lentil and wheat. The children learned to care the plants and they to water all the days them plants. 

I preffer to walk or ride a bike but now I haven`t a bicycle, I try to take baths more shorts, switch off the ligths when I don`t use it and I to spread message of lost pets and dogs for adoptions in Facebook…

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